El ultimo dia en Guatemala

Tonight we’re going to brave the torrential rain in order for one last dinner out in Pana. Last night we weren’t so brave, and stayed inside with deli sandwiches from a market pointed out to a few of our party by their Tuk Tuk driver. With expectations of about 10 feet of rain per year, […]

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Maybe Mike

Since Colin was sick yesterday, we didn’t venture out as a family. I did take a little trip into the local grocery store, where I had intended to buy papayas, bread and cheese for our lunch. Instead, I got ramen noodles, cookies, juice, eggs, cheese, bread, marmalade and beer. I stayed away from the black […]

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Bargain hunted

I am horrible at haggling. It’s true. The rule of thumb in Guatemala, if the guidebooks have it right, is: Ask a price, offer something at half that amount, wait to hear what they offer in return, go from there, and be gracious, always realizing that the goods in the markets are often those the […]

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Risk averse adventurers

Tonight the kids are happily gathering their electronic devices and books, extra batteries, packs of gum, and knicknacks they think will  keep them entertained on the airplane. Earlier this month, though, they were expressing some anxiety about our upcoming trip. We’re traveling to Guatemala for a tour of Rotary projects produced by Semilla Nueva, a […]

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