Maybe you’ve guessed I don’t keep this blog up for the fame or fortune, nor the many interesting requests I get from people who want me to post reviews on their dog accessories, toys or skin care systems for free (your readers would really love to know about our new, interactive floor mat … would they now, really?). Although, […]
Not that there’s anything wrong, really, with Texas
To our darling son who wants to go to a gaming convention in Texas next summer – an epic road trip with his friend and his friend’s brother who will technically be an adult by that time, and doubtlessly fully capable of assuming all the responsibility for your posse: We do trust you. It’s not that. And […]
Not knowing won’t stem the flow of advice
We’d finally convinced the kids to leave the living room the other night for an extended period of time so we could catch an episode of Orange is the New Black. We don’t want to ship them off for another session of summer camp, nor stay up until the wee hours when they finally go […]
No offense to cowboys
There’s a new reality TV show that’s going to be based in my home state of Idaho. As you can imagine, it’s all about hipsters comparing cruiser bicycle accessories, whining about vinyl becoming too mainstream while sipping cups of free trade pour-over coffee. Hang on, no. This is Idaho, and the series, focusing on three rival outfitting and guide families, is […]
It still might be awkward if you invite a horse
Living where we do, it’s odd that I’ve been to so few rodeos. I remember going to one as a kid. I cried because of the calves being thrown around and because a rodeo clown made fun of an old, swaybacked horse. I guess I was kind of a bummer date. But I tried it again, when we were […]
Of Machetes and Medications
Sunday afternoon I packed the kids’ stuff for camp as I’ve done at the same time every summer for the past five years. I’m happy they have this opportunity to go every summer, to break up the routine, make a few friends and maybe escape the Sahara Desert heat wave that usually socks us in this time of year. We’re […]
Camping by the Numbers
One camping trip under our belt so far this year. Just the one. One 3,783 foot increase in elevation from home to our camp site, 131 miles away. One 12 degree difference in temperature. One camp trailer that weighs as much as the Death Star. One tent in addition to said trailer, because 2 boys will no […]
We’re either instilling financially literacy, or raising embezzlers
Hey mom, “I just found a ten thousand dollar bill,” Colin said, eyes wide. “Just kidding,” he added a nanosecond later, knowing how quickly I make plans. He pulled out a laminated bookmark a teacher had given him. “See? It’s a fake. They don’t really make ten thousand dollar bills.” That’s good information, just in case I was thinking of […]
Driving each other a little crazy
Jack came home with his learner’s permit last night and drove us to dinner. That sounds so nonchalant. My kid drove. With all of us in the car. At the same time. I took a few pictures and then passed the camera to Mike who took one from the front. Then he passed the phone […]
Camp food that won’t kill you
So… Camping this weekend. Fourth of July. Yippee… (fizzy half-firework in the distance … phhttt). This will be our first camping trip of the season, and thus will have been preceded by at least a full two days of preparation: cleaning the trailer, packing, determining whether the sleeping bags ever got washed at the end […]