Every runner I know has a story about an indelicate moment involving bodily functions. This is mine. It’s not too terribly gross. Safe enough if you happen to be reading this at work – unless you spit coffee on your laptop minutes before you were supposed to forward some report, and then you’ll be mad […]
Employee of the Week
A few months ago I ran into a friend I hadn’t seen in a while. I told her about Mike’s quitting his job and venturing into the consulting world with me. She sort of harrumphed and asked how long we’ve been married. “Twenty-two years,” I said. Sheesh. That made me sound ancient. I did the […]
Of art and science and plum tarts
I have one kid who built a computer over the summer, and another who read a dozen books. Thick books. With big words. You all know I’m far more likely to boast about them being able to burp the alphabet than anything really constructive, so don’t worry about some new bragging trend on my part. […]
It’s kind of like I’ve already won the lottery
People are really patient around here sometimes. Take our kid, Jack. No matter what you want to talk about, Jack will patiently wait for the opportunity to tell you how it relates how great Lamborghinis are, what his favorite Lamborghini is, and how many Lamborghinis he plans to buy the next time we win the lottery. […]
Whatever a ‘Yote is, I’m their newest fan
“This is the first home game for this football program in thirty-seven years,” Mike told us in the car yesterday. “I don’t think I’ve seen that kind of car in thirty-seven years,” eleven year-old Colin said from the back. “This is the first time I’ve been to Caldwell in thirty-seven years,” Jack said. It was […]
Life Lessons from Little House
The news that Laura Ingalls Wilder’s annotated autobiography Pioneer Girl is scheduled for release in November has me all fired up. I can’t remember when I started reading the Little House on the Prairie series, but it was early. I loved them and reread them often. Laura was my Harry Potter, and she could probably […]
The menace of ill-mannered motorists
“Mom, is that guy a redneck?” Colin asks me while I’m driving and some jerkwad is following so close I could easily elbow him in the throat from where I’m sitting. I swear to God, I have nothing against rednecks and I don’t believe I’ve ever called someone a redneck. I don’t know where Colin […]
I don’t really know what anyone is talking about
Last year Jack kept using the phrase going ham, which took a few weeks for me to figure out meant throwing oneself into the task at hand. As in: Lookit that dog, going ham with the Frisbee. Or: I saw this guy in his car at the stoplight, going ham with the music on his radio like no one was […]
Teenagers might one day be the death of me
Our wedding anniversary was Sunday, and Mike and I slept in separate rooms. It wasn’t like that. He did spend the better part of an hour trying to make a fire for me in a teensy stove, but there wasn’t much for kindling and the wood may have been a little wet. The room would […]