Once, when we were still a family of three, Mike and I won a photo session at a charity auction. The photographer was newly in business and would process the photos for almost nothing for her portfolio. This was good, because we’d bid on the session without thinking there’d be money to pay for the […]
Blood drives and bucket lists
About a month ago, Jack saw a blood drive van and told me he wanted to donate – had been wanting too for a while, in fact – and now that he was seventeen he could do so without parental permission, which makes two whole things I didn’t know. What he actually said was it […]
The half marathon taper and how I’m probably doing it wrong
Tomorrow, I’ll be running a half marathon, which means today is the last day of that period we call the taper. If you’re not familiar with the taper, it’s the result of a whole bunch of running science that says it’s good to reduce your miles and intensity a few days before a big event. […]
Turns out you CAN go home again, but they’ll probably make you sing
“You know, JaNean used to play Delta Dawn on the piano. She was good. You could harmonize with her.” It was more a statement than a request from JaNean’s cute, bespectacled mom. All I heard was Delta Dawn. I did what any rational person would do and belted out a refrain. Del-ta-a Dawn, what’s that […]