Whenever somebody says something in Spanish and any member of my immediate family is with me in earshot, I’m usually quizzed about what was said. I’ve been engaged in a very casual study of the language for years, and folks around here have way more confidence in my ability than they should. I think it […]
Perfection is rarely the objective around here
Before you get into this, I just need to let you know this post started out different than it ended up. That actually happens more often than you might think. This is how it should go: I come up with some theme and then write a catchy lead, which flows into a full story, and […]
The benefits of a year abroad stick with returning exchange students
Around here, autumn means a welcome return of the back to school routine, and maybe a little chill in the morning air. For our family, it also means a couple of weeks of repeated trips to the airport to welcome foreign exchange students. Participating in the Rotary Youth Exchange program is one of the […]
Tips for surviving the END OF THE WORLD, or … erm … apoceclipse
What are you doing for the eclipse? That’s the question of the day around here. I’ll tell you what we’re doing … I don’t know what we’re doing. Which means we’re probably doing nothing, if we haven’t made plans by this point. Depending on the the time of day, that answer could bring on either […]
An American guide to European road signs
Mike wasn’t super excited about renting a car for part of our trip to Denmark, and for a quick jaunt into Germany, but there were places we wanted to go where buying train tickets for the whole family was going to be super expensive, or our destination was out of the way enough, the train […]
A little more time in Copenhagen: Tivoli, the Zoo, and a Spectacular View
A couple of weeks into our trip, we had another opportunity to explore Copenhagen, when we returned from Finland with the honeymooners, en route to Sønderborg. The flat we rented this time was more centrally located than the one in Nørrebro, and if the weather cooperated, we’d easily be able to walk to a few […]
Exploring more of Denmark: Haderslev, Aarhus, Skagen, and a Viking Graveyard
We returned from Germany on Sunday and dropped Jack off at his host family home in Sønderborg (he’ll finish out the last week of his exchange and then travel home from Billund. Our tickets are outbound from Copenhagen), and continued on to see a couple of other points of interest in Denmark. One of those […]
What to do with one day in Germany, or zwei or drei
It has happened before: regardless of what Einstein said about the definition of insanity, we’ve done the exact same thing we’ve always done and had something totally unexpected happen. Take this trip, for example. We’ve had such good luck finding lodging with minimal knowledge about where we were going or extra wads of cash to […]
Our Denmark Adventure: How Somebody Totally Undersold Sønderborg, and I’m Going to Need a Pastry Intervention
Our oldest son is a young man of many talents, but I must say, he’s got a ways to go if he wants a future in the travel industry. When we’ve talked about the town he’s called home this past year, he totally undersold it. The impression he left us with was: safe, small, and […]
Deciphering Finnish Wedding Traditions
Two summers ago, Saara, who’d been our first exchange student nine years ago, visited with her beau, Joona. We did all the usual Idaho stuff to see if we could scare him off. We camped, set off fireworks in the street, made him drink cheap beer at a baseball game in a zillion-degree heat, and […]