I really thought I’d be able to get a video of my cute skin doctor, Steve, saying “use sunscreen, you dumb dorks,” but he wouldn’t agree to saying something that straightforward, even when I told him it was for the children.
And there’s some restriction that has to do with HIPAA or something, so I couldn’t take any kind of video of him and his assistant in his office this morning.
You’re not going to get to see how cute he is. Sorry.
In November, 2012, I had a huge basal-cell carcinoma removed from the left side of my nose via a procedure called Mohs.
Don’t worry, the doctor told me, no one has ever lost a day of her life from this type of cancer. So I blithely went about my routine, scheduled a family trip to Guatemala, as well as a presentation in front of a couple hundred people, and another half marathon.
Okay, the doctor said, maybe you should worry a little more than that.