Lessons learned one recent frenzy-filled month
Hey, I did that thing! You know, that thing where you set yourself up with an impossible task and then you’re really bitchy to your family and neglect your work and health and all the household chores for a whole month while you get it done?
No, silly, not Christmas. Guess again.
I wrote fifty thousand and some words for National Novel Writing Month. And I’m still nowhere close to being done with the actual novel, so no, you can’t read it. But I have the cutest outfit picked out for my photo on the book jacket.
And since my brain is a big pile of goobers after that, you’re going to get a list for today’s blog:
Stuff I discovered while neglecting everything else for NaNoWriMo:

I live with supportive people. Today Colin told me he had to come up with an epilogue for a book they read in class and he enjoyed writing creatively. “I can see why you do it,” he said.