Get your own scribbled-in copy

Why yes, I did take this all by myself. Why do you ask?
Why yes, I did take this all by myself. Why?

I said I never do giveaways, but I lied a little bit. I do that.

A few of my friends (okay, maybe one friend) have asked if I’m going to do a book signing for Motherhood May Cause Drowsiness: Funny Stories by Sleepy Moms, and, while I get a little excited about the thought of people one day mowing each other down to see me, and maybe bringing me beer, I’m not all that organized, and putting together an actual THING so I can scribble in a book sounds exhausting.

But, for those of you who would like a scribbled-in book sent directly to you, here’s the deal: I’m going to do a random drawing of all subscribers on October 31, and an autographed copy to some lucky reader.

Wanna play? It’s easy. Subscribe by entering your email in that little box to the left, then click “subscribe.” You’ll get ManicMumbling right in your inbox once a couple times a week, and never miss a post.

Already subscribed? I’m not leaving you out. You’re already entered in the drawing.

Do it now, before you forget…


This isn’t a real post, but you can still vote.



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  1. Done!

    And I would totally bring you beer. I\’m not fast enough to mow anyone over though. Seriously, my new iPhone Nike app uses GPS instead of the thing on my shoe, and it turns out I\’m a slower runner than I thought. It\’s possible that old people might pass me with walkers.