Some of you already know this, but I started running fairly regularly again in 2006 after a twenty-year hiatus. Then in 2011 I decided the half marathon event was more or less my thing. A little later, I stole adopted Mike’s goal of running 50 half marathons by that age. Well, my 50th is coming […]
Something else I never thought I’d need to say
You know how parenting is mostly telling people stuff you would have thought was just common sense, and then repeating yourself until you think you sound crazy, right? There’s the early parenthood version of this phenomenon, where you focus mostly on safety issues: “No, we don’t put (toy/bodily appendage/instrument of destruction) (in your mouth/up your […]
You know who also shows up early? People like Shawn
I had the weirdest experience recently. I finished a meeting and had to be across town for another meeting right on the heels of my first meeting, only the first meeting finished early, so I got to my second meeting early. I’m rarely early. Actually, I’d give it about a 50% chance I’ll even be […]
Seattle with Teenagers
“I’m a weed detector,” Jack said as a distinctive acrid aroma filled the foyer. From the living room we heard the front door open and then close not one second later, followed by a chorus of giggles. Apparently our Weed Detector had been successful in locating the enjoyer of said aromatic herb, standing in her […]
Things might not go the way you plan, for your kids or their fish
Colin passed us both in the kitchen this morning, on his way out the back door. He had wet hair, no shoes and was carrying a clear, plastic cup with something in it. We watched him grab a shovel out of the shed and start working at something in a corner of the yard, his […]
Squirrels Can’t Read Minds and Other Things My Crazy Neighbor Needs to Know
Yesterday I had an appointment with Steven, whose calendar fills months in advance. If I ever have to reschedule, it’ll be a while before I can get back in. I don’t have a lot of secrets, but if I did, Steven would know them. He’s got sophisticated ways of making people talk even when they […]
We’re so lucky to live in this modern era … oh, and dinner may take a while
When I’m cooking dinner – any meal, really – I hate having people in the kitchen with me. So, of course, that’s exactly where 60% of my family was last night as I was trying to concentrate on the complex set of instructions that came with my new gadget. “I wonder how long before they […]
Top Ten Reasons Hosting an Exchange Student Might Not Be For You
This weekend we welcomed our latest Rotary exchange student into our family. Eighteen year-old Marine is from Belgium, and I can’t pronounce her name right (that darn French r), but she says I’m in the ballpark. We’ve shown Marine the basement bedroom we’ve tried to make as comfy as possible, and introduced her to the […]
A couple of soon-to-be empty nesters at a baby shower
“I don’t think I’ve ever been to a baby shower before.” This was Mike’s confession to me as we were walking up to the door to our friends’ home, Saturday afternoon. Had I realized this earlier, I would have though of some way to punk him. Maybe made up some fake baby shower etiquette to […]
How I came to be spending the night in the death house and WASN’T SCARED ONE BIT
I love scary stories. Love, love, love them. Until they get the better of me. The only time I ever got in trouble for reading anything I wasn’t supposed to was in the fifth grade. It was a loaned copy of The Amityville Horror I kept hidden under my pillow until I could finish it. The […]