We certainly have our issues, black bra. In fact, this morning was a complete disaster thanks to you.
See, I had it all planned. Today it was going to be the black dress. The wraparound one with the short sleeves. Sure it was a little chilly this morning, but with that dress and a light sweater, and my new boots, I would have killed it all damn day.
Everything else cooperated. The boots, check. The sweater, check. The grandma underpants that keep everything from jiggling in my killer black wraparound dress, check. Even the nude hose were ready.
Did you hear me? I was planning HOSE! Dressing like a grown-ass woman today. It was a power suit kind of day.
Only without the power suit, the only power suits I still own being the kind with shoulder pads. From the 90s. The ones that can say with a straight face: I got a head for business and a bod for sin, is there anything wrong with that?
Indeed there is. Not the look I was going for.