There’s a reason I didn’t raise my hand right away when our meeting leader asked if anyone had any fitness milestones they met that month. I didn’t want to be a jackass.
In fact, I ran a total of 100 miles last month. Mostly ran. Really slowly. A little of it was walking. But it was 100 MILES. There were hills involved and trails and rain and sleet and snow (you know … March). My dog tried to kill me. My son, whom I’m coaching for his first half marathon, probably entertained a thought or two along that same line. I got road rash on my face.
I wanted to share all this but I didn’t.
“I’ve walked every day this week,” said one woman in a corner.
“I finally found a Lidocaine patch that would work on my shingles so I could get out and walk again,” another woman said.
I had shingles last year for about four weeks. It made me cry like a damn baby.